Rejuvenation surgery literally means turning back the clock a few years for your body or face. Up until recently, it was nearly impossible to slow down this clock – let alone stop it completely. But in the last twenty years, ever more scientific evidence has emerged that shows that it is technically perfectly possible to delay the speed of the aging process.
It was long thought that aging was a pre-programmed process determined by our individual genes. Yet research has shown that only 7% of aging is dictated by genetic factors; the remaining 93% is tied to our everyday habits.
The market has become flooded with a mind-boggling array of nutritional supplements. This can make it hard for the uninitiated to make clever choices. In our search for effective products, we have focused on pure ingredients, correct dosages, and supplements that are easily absorbed by the body. For an overview of our personal selection, head to
These past few decades, we have gained greater insight into the way nutritional supplements work and their ability to help us live longer, better lives. Because it is not so much about extending our lifespan, as it is about preserving the quality of our life for as long as possible.
While our genes hardly change over the course of our life, we do have the ability to switch some of them on or off by changing the way we live. We can do so by making conscious choices, like getting enough exercise, eating a healthy diet, getting a good night’s sleep or even meditating – but also by taking nutritional supplements.
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