With our appointment tool, you can quickly and easily schedule an appointment on a day and time that suits you the best. Follow the steps below to schedule your appointment.

  1. Choose which doctor you want an appointment with
    If you would like to schedule an appointment with Dr. Tonnard, please make your appointment in the first column. If you want an appointment with Dr. Verpaele, you will have to fill in the second column.
  2. Choose the subject of your appointment
    Select the type of procedure you would like to consult about from the drop-down menu.
  3. Select date and time
    Once you have indicated the subject of your appointment, you can choose a desired day and time.
  4. Fill in your details
    Please complete all requested contact details so that we can confirm your appointment and reach you if necessary. Accept the terms and conditions.
  5. Confirm appointment
    You will receive an email asking you to definitively confirm your appointment by clicking a link. After this confirmation, you will receive your final appointment confirmation by email. If you have not received an email, please check your SPAM folder.
    Attention! If you do not confirm your appointment by clicking on the link, your appointment will be automatically canceled after 24h.

In case you would like to postpone or cancel your appointment, we kindly ask you to contact us by phone. We ask to cancel appointments at least 48h in advance.

If you have any further questions in this matter, please don’t hesitate to contact us by phone on the number 09/269 94 94.

Thank you very much in advance and we hope to welcome you soon!

Appointment with Patrick Tonnard

Fill in the form below to book an appointment with Dr. Tonnard. You can select the desired date and time slot.

Appointment with Alexis Verpaele

Fill in the form below to book an appointment with Dr. Verpaele. You can select the desired date and time slot.


Coupure Centrum voor Plastische Chirurgie
Coupure Rechts 164 c-d
9000 Gent
T: +32(0)9269 94 94
F: +32(0)9269 94 95
M: info@coupurecentrum.be


Esthetisch Medisch Centrum 2
Kortrijksesteenweg 208
9830 Sint-Martens-Latem